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At NWLT, you play an integral part
In funding students' dreams and the power of art.

With song, dance, and play in the roles they embrace,

You can support them in the best of ways!

Perks galore at every level,

Donate today to help fund our next revel!


All sponsorships are tax-deductible.

Red Velvet

Family Sponsorships
*donate here*

Title Sponsor $500+

Playbill Recognition

6 Tickets to each show

2 Show t-shirts

Free “Shine Line"

Supporting Sponsor $100-$249

Playbill Recognition

2 Tickets to each show

Free “Shine Line"

Presenting Sponsor $250-$499

Playbill Recognition

4 Tickets to each show

Free “Shine Line"

Patron Sponsor $50-$99

Playbill Recognition

​Free “Shine Line"


*Shine Line: special message to a cast member or stage crew in Playbill

HSM Cast.jpg
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Title Sponsor $500+

Full Page Ad in playbills

6 Tickets to each show

Name on t-shirts and posters

Pre-Show & Social Media recognition

Supporting Sponsor $100-$249

Quarter Page Ad in playbills
2 Tickets to each show
Social Media recognition

Presenting Sponsor $250-$499

Half Page Ad in playbills
4 Tickets to each show
Name on t-shirts
Social Media recognition

Patron Sponsor $50-$99

Name in playbills
2 Tickets to each show
Social Media recognition

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